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First Fridays

Because it's great to start each month off in community with a musical Shabbat service and dinner! 

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Innovative Holiday Gatherings

Because who wouldn't want to try their hand at a Passover-inspired Escape Room, have lunch in a Game of Thrones themed Sukkah constructed of over 2,000 recycled soda cans in the heart of the city, or have their shortcomings written on hydro-degradable paper dropped by a drone over the Detroit River at a community-wide Rosh Hashanah festival

CSI: Coffee. Study. Interpret.

Because exploring timely topics, as we hear from expert speakers and examine wisdom (both contemporary and ancient) for guidance on how best to live our lives is awesome! Click here to check out examples of past topics and study packets! 

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Tot Shabbat

Because young families need to get out of the house on Saturday mornings before their kids drive them crazy. Song, stories, dancing, crafts and snacks. 'Nuff said. 

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Weekend Retreats

Because camp was (and is) awesome!

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Travel Trips

Because we all have exploring to do in order to become the people we aspire to be!